What is it? Is it for me?
“A dance practice where we listen
deeply to the wisdom of the body
and the whisperings of the soul.”
Mindful movement, conscious dance, free-form dance, contemplative dance, …
Different names for, different flavors of, different ways to describe the practice of mindful movement to music, or movement as meditation.
Created by Vincent Martínez-Grieco, Soul Motion is a distinct approach to conscious dance and movement practice.
No steps to learn, no experience needed. Just bring a willingness to engage and explore your inherent expression through movement.
In Vincent’s words:
“Soul Motion is a conscious dance practice that views creativity as an inherent expression for every body. Nurturing and developing the awakening of stillness in every movement moment, Soul Motion supports this realization as a fully engaged expression. Courting relationships with another as a means for understanding self, it holds deeply and dearly to the dance as a dialogue with reality.”
In a Soul Motion class, you'll be introduced to and discover something about yourself, your life, and your world while engaging in some or all of the following foundational elements.
Pause Presence
Inside my movement, can I stop, center, relax, let go of what came before, and bring my awareness fully into the moment and settle into stillness of mind and body? And when I do, what new impulse will arise and call me into movement again? A place to start anew again and again.
Echo Inspiration
From where and what can I receive inspiration from the world around me? The music of the moment, movement of a fellow dancer, the sway of a tree, the dip and soar of a bird, a thought moving across my mind. Receiving that inspiration, how do I weave it into my own unique expression of this one wild and precious moment?
Orbit Orientation
Does my movement and attention run like a train or an arrow, forward only? Or, can I expand my awareness to take in the depth and richness of the 360 degree landscape? If so, how are my body and movement enriched when I do?
Dance Intimate - the dance alone
Where I can discover what my body has to teach me, and move in reverence and gratitude for the wisdom within.
Dance Communion - the dance with another
Expanding my gaze and attention, I make room to add the wisdom, joy, and playfulness of another into my dance.
Dance Community - the dance with everyone
Expanding further to receive and engage with an ever-widening contingent of fellow dancers.
Dance Infinite - the dance of everyday living
The ultimate expansion and integration. Where I include every insight, joy, truth, and challenge that has come before, and experience the unity of dance and daily living.
Learn more at www.soulmotion.com
Yes! It’s for everyone and every body. Experienced or not. You can’t do it wrong.
There are no steps to learn, no moves to get “right.” Just you and the music, moving in space as you’re inspired, with others doing the same.
Dance with just you (dance intimate), engage with another (dance communion), or with a larger group (dance community). Or move back and forth between each. It’s all up to you and your choice moment to moment.
It’s the epitome of physical freedom and expression.